Volunteering in the community to serve others is a passion of mine. It is an honor and privilege to use my God given talents for the sake of others. North Fulton is a great community and the opportunities to get involved are abundant. I serve on dozens of charitable organization boards and find an intense joy making a positive difference.
As a fourth generation volunteer firefighter, I serve side-by-side with my fellow public safety professionals protecting life and property. Active firefighters have to complete continuous training, physical fitness, time and effort. It is a unique opportunity to give back. You do not have run into burning houses to help. Others support our firefighters and police officers with our Public Safety foundation by raising money and taking care of our heroes in their time of need. No matter your talent or desire we have a place for you.
Both of my sons are scouts. My older son Will is working on his Eagle Scout project. This is a tremendous accomplishment of which we are proud. His project will benefit a local Roswell charity and bring benefits for decades to come. My younger son Ryan is helping to earn his world conservation badge by cleaning the river and stream banks. It is never too early to get your children involved with serving others and the community. Volunteering as family is time very well spent and builds life memories. I volunteer to lead by example and help continue Scouting for generations to come.
I have enjoyed serving at church since my childhood. Decades of serving has ranged from delivering meals, providing medical care, building houses, coaching, mission trips, computer help, governance, fundraising, painting, teaching and simply listening. I am blessed to be a member at Roswell United Methodist church and encourage you to explore your faith and service to others.
You may be asking, why would I want to spend my spare time helping the community? A better question would be, why not? You will never regret missing an hour of TV, but you will treasure positively impacting your community. You will network, learn new experiences and become a better person. Believe it or not, you will be the biggest benefactor of your volunteer time.
In summary, please consider serving others joyfully and more often. If you are looking for ideas, please drop me a line at
john@votealbers.com.I look forward to serving you as your next State Senator (
www.votealbers.com).NOTE: Accessjohnscreek.com encourages all candidates running for office both locally and state wide to share information with us on their campaigns. This type of information does not mean that Accessmilton.com is endorsing one candidate as opposed to another. Here, all are treated equally and with respect.
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